<aside> 📄 Requirements


In order to have a basic understanding of how this plugin gets used

<aside> 1️⃣ Creating a widget to display on the window


  1. Right click in your content browser. If you don’t see your content browser, press CTRL+Spacebar on your keyboard
  2. Hover over “User Interface”
  3. Click on “Widget Blueprint”
  4. Click on “User Widget”
  5. Name the widget like you want. But remember how you named it
  6. After you named the widget, double click to open it

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  1. In your Palette, search for “Canvas Panel”
  2. Drag and drop the Canvas Panel on your widget root


  1. Add what ever you like. Example: A Text

    → Search for “Text”. Drag and drop the text on your Canvas Panel


  1. Compile and save the widget


<aside> 2️⃣ Creating the window


  1. Create the widget. Make sure to select the one we created
  2. Go into any blueprint, call the subsystem and from there, call the “Create Window” node. Tutorial
  3. Make the Window Settings struct
  4. Click on the arrow to expand the struct to see more settings

Aufzeichnung 2024-02-10 223312.gif

  1. Make the Advanced Border Settings Struct
  2. Make the Size Restriction Settings Struct and expand it
  3. Make the Bool Values Struct and expand it
  4. Now you can see all the settings for creating a window. If you want to know more about what each settings does, make sure to check out the Window Settings struct

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  1. Run this code for creating a window anywhere and whenever you want and you will get a result like the following picture. Now you can easily tweak the widget and the window however you want ❤️


When you now tweak the data shown in your widget, you can do stuff like this:

Aufzeichnung 2024-02-13 182942.gif

<aside> 🙏 Final Words
