
<aside> 📄 Description


Settings for the Create New Window node. With this struct you can tweak the window to be/behave exactly like you want.

<aside> ⏩ Inputs


Title - The title of the window



Size - The size of the window



Spawn On Monitor - a

Window Start Position Mode - a

Position - The position of the window

Window Mode - a

Window Initial State - a

Window Opacity - The opacity of the actual window. Makes the whole window transparent to an extend or completely transparent if set to 0.

Content Opacity - The opacity of the windows content (of the widget you inputted into the Create New Window node)

Sizing Rule - a

Advanced Border Settings - Struct containing additional border settings. View the Window Advanced Border Settings struct for more information.

Size Restriction Settings - Struct containing additional settings for restricting the size of the window. View the Window Size Restriction Settings struct for more information.

Bool Values - Struct containing additional settings in form of bool variables. View the Window Bool Value Settings struct for more information.