<aside> ⚡ Jump Links

  1. Welcome
  2. Installing The Plugin
  3. Enabling The Plugin
  4. Working With The Subsystem
  5. All Nodes
  6. Tutorials
  7. Roadmap </aside>

Aufzeichnung 2024-02-12 151408.gif

Jump to Tutorial - Rendering a scene in a created window

Aufzeichnung 2024-02-13 182942.gif

Jump to Tutorial - Creating a window displaying a widget

<aside> 👋 1. Welcome


Documentation updates for the new nodes coming soon :)

Welcome and thank you for purchasing this plugin.

Here you will find everything you need, such as a list of all nodes and their functionality/how to use them or how you can install this plugin.


If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out using one of these three ways:

  1. Reach out via email to [email protected]

  2. Join the Kibibyte Discord community

Feel free to also join when you just want to discuss something or when you have an idea on how to improve this product 😄

  1. Via the Unreal Engine Marketplace Questions Tab

Suggest ideas or report a bug


<aside> <img src="/icons/save_gray.svg" alt="/icons/save_gray.svg" width="40px" /> 2. Installing The Plugin


There is currently only one way to buy and install this plugin:

Through the Unreal Engine marketplace.

It is not planned to release this plugin anywhere else.

After you have purchased this plugin you will be able to install it to any supported engine version listed on the product page.

<aside> ✅ 3. Enabling The Plugin


  1. Hover over the “Edit” tab and click on “Plugins”


  2. Search for “Multi Window Extension” (1) and enable the plugin (2)


  3. Restart the engine


<aside> <img src="/icons/gear_gray.svg" alt="/icons/gear_gray.svg" width="40px" /> 4. Working With The Subsystem


In order to use the nodes contained in this plugin, you will need to call the subsystem.

  1. Going into any blueprint. Example: Opening the level blueprint


  2. Right clicking and searching for “Get MultiWindowExtensionSubsystem”. Then select it.


  1. Finished 😃



In-Editor-Only Blueprints (Call it using the “Unreal Editor Subsystem” and the “Get Editor World” node)


Note: It isn’t recommended using this whole plugin In-Editor while meanwhile using it in a PIE session. Instead you can use In-Editor and test your game mechanics in standalone Mode, via launching or after packaging

Now you are able to call the nodes contained within this plugin


Make sure to only call anay nodes of this plugin when this plugin is initialized to prevent unwanted behavior. You can either use the “is initialized” boolean or assign an event to when it got initalized”

Quick Tipp: